Womens Gifts Biography
(Source google.com)
Welcome, This is biographies of women who contributed to our culture in many different ways. There are writers, educators, scientists, heads of state, politicians, civil rights crusaders, artists, entertainers, and others. Some were alive hundreds of years ago and some are living today. We've heard of some of them, while many more have been ignored by history book writers. I'd like to acknowledge as many as I can. This site has been selected to be archived by the Library of Congress to preserve its content for the future. We're truly honored, "Men have long had male role models after whom to pattern their lives. From time immemorial, scholars have been able to analyze the seeds of male leadership by studying the lives of presidents and generals. It's not uncommon for little boys to grow up saying they want to be fishermen or policemen or even president of the United States. But until now, little girls didn't have political role models to dream about or learn from." --Dorothy W. Cantor and Toni Bernay with Jean Stoess in Women in Power: The Secrets of Leadership
Born in Bemersheim (Böckelheim), West Franconia (now Germany), she was the tenth child of a well-to-do family. She'd had visions connected with illness (perhaps migraines) from a young age, and in 1106 her parents sent her to a 400-year-old Benedictine monastery which had only recently added a section for women. They put her under the care of a noblewoman and resident there, Jutta, calling Hildegard the family's "tithe" to God. Jutta, whom Hildegard later referred to as an "unlearned woman," taught Hildegard to read and to write. Jutta became the abbess of the convent, which attracted other young women of noble background. In that time, convents were often places of learning, a welcome home to women who had intellectual gifts. Hildegard, as was true of many other women in convents at the time, learned Latin, read the scriptures, and had access to many other books of religious and philosophical nature. Those who have traced the influence of ideas in her writings find that Hildegard must have read quite extensively. Part of the Benedictine rule required study, and Hildegard clearly availed herself of the opportunities. When Jutta died in 1136, Hildegard was elected unanimously as the new abbess. Rather than continue as part of a double house -- a monastery with units for men and for women -- Hildegard in 1148 decided to move the convent to Rupertsberg, where it was on its own, not directly under the supervision of a male house.
This gave Hildegard considerable freedom as an
administrator, and she traveled frequently in Germany
and France .
She claimed that she was following God's order in making the move, firmly
opposing her abbot's opposition. Literally firmly: she assumed a rigid
position, lying like a rock, until he gave his permission for the move. The
move was completed in 1150. The Rupertsberg convent grew to as many as 50 women, and
became a popular burial site for the wealthy of the area. The women who joined
the convent were of wealthy backgrounds, and the convent did not discourage
them from maintaining something of their lifestyle. Hildegard of Bingen
withstood criticism of this practice, claiming that wearing jewelry to worship
God was honoring God, not practicing selfishness.
Richardis or Ricardis von Stade, one of the convent's nuns who was a personal assistant to Hildegard of Bingen, was a special favorite of Hildegard. Richardis' brother was an archbishop, and he arranged for his sister to head another convent. Hildegard tried to persuade Richardis to stay, and wrote insulting letters to the brother and even wrote to the Pope hoping to stop the move. But Richardis left, and died after she decided to return to Rupertsberg but before she could do so. A final famous incident happened near the end of Hildegard's life, when she was in her eighties. She allowed a nobleman who had been excommunicated to be buried at the convent, seeing that he had last rites. She claimed she'd received word from God allowing the burial. But her ecclesiastical superiors intervened, and ordered the body exhumed. Hildegard defied the authorities by hiding the grave, and the authorities excommunicated the entire convent community. Most insultingly to Hildegard, the interdict prohibited the community from singing. She complied with the interdict, avoiding singing and communion, but did not comply with the command to exhume the corpse. Hildegard appealed the decision to yet higher church authorities, and finally had the interdict lifted.
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